Looking for a school?
We would like to extend a very warm welcome to Pierrepont Gamston VA Primary School.
Our most recent Ofsted inspection report describes our school as feeling “like a big happy family where the ethos of ‘Aiming high and caring for all’ is evident. Pupils say they are happy and feel safe.”
“Parents and carers who expressed a view are overwhelmingly positive about the school. A typical comment was, ‘This is a very caring, organised and wonderful school.’"
On this page you will find out more about what Pierrepont Gamston has to offer for your child and why we believe it is a wonderful place to learn.
If you are looking for a school place for your child, either to start in reception in September or to join an older year group, we would love to show you around our school. We have an open evening in our Foundation (Reception) unit on 8th November from 4.00pm to 5.30pm, or alternatively contact our school office on 0115 9819292 to arrange a visit at another time.
About us
We are a happy, hard-working and high achieving church primary school in Gamston, West Bridgford. We welcome children of any or no religious background. At PGPS we strive to serve our community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. Our school prides itself on the warm and welcoming atmosphere which makes the school feel like a family.
Further information about applying for a place at our school can be found at /page/?title=Admissions&pid=22
Online applications are encouraged and can be made by at https://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/education/school-admissions/applying-for-a-school-place-september
Our Foundation Unit
Children who are four years old before the beginning of September will join our Reception Foundation Class. We have a large purpose built classroom with its own outside area, providing exciting indoor and outdoor learning opportunities. We take up to 45 children and have 2 class teachers and a teaching assistant to support a fantastic start to school.