Mrs Louise Handley
Parent Governor
Term of Office: 27th January 2023 - 26th January 2027
Member of Strategic Development and Pupils Committee
I am a mum to three boys, two of whom already attend PGPS: Alfie in year 4 and Harry in year 2. My youngest will start this September. I have been Chair of the PTA since my eldest started at PGPS 5 years' ago. I have really enjoyed the role and it has allowed me to get to know staff members and parents as the PTA has gone from strength to strength. I see my appointment as parent governor to be an opportunity to further support the school and to help it to thrive.
I am a qualified solicitor with over 15 years' experience in criminal defence. I changed disciplines 5 years' ago and now head the education team at my current firm. I deal with all aspects of education law, including exclusions, exam appeals, supporting parents with EHCPs as well as university disciplinary cases.