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School uniform

We have a school policy, which values highly the wearing of school uniform.

School uniform is as follows:

• Navy blue jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan (logo optional)
• White/ navy blue polo shirt, shirt or blouse (logo optional)
• Dark grey, black or navy blue trousers, skirts or dresses

During summer weather children may wear suitable grey, black or navy school shorts or a blue checked school dress.

Although not compulsory, parents may purchase a selection of branded school items showing the school logo. These can be bought directly from our uniform provider Price & Buckland. Full details can be found by accessing their website at

Alternatively, the school has a range of pre-loved uniform which can be purchased directly from school at a cost of 50p per item. Please contact the school office for more information.


Children in year 1 upwards come into school in their PE kit for their PE day.

 For PE kit, we ask that initially your child wear a plain t-shirt and plain black or navy shorts/ jogging bottoms.  A plain black/ navy zip up hooded jumper should also be worn in colder weather.

After your child has started school, they will be allocated to a house and then should wear a house colour t-shirt. These can be purchased from school at a cost of £2.00.

Children need wear trainers for PE- Velcro fastening for younger children.


Plain knitted hats can be worn in cold weather. Navy baseball caps, sun hats and legionnaire style caps can be worn in warm weather. All headwear must be removed when in school.


The simple guidance we give on footwear is that plain black shoes (not trainers) with flat heels must be worn in school. Velcro fasteners are easiest for younger children to use, and make life so much easier for the teacher!

We ask that all items of clothing and footwear carry your child’s name in permanent marker or name stickers.


To underline our belief in the importance of regular reading practice at home, we have a blue reading book bag with the school logo. Your child will be given their first bag when they start school. Further supplies can be purchased directly from our suppliers using the above link.


Stickins name stickers can be purchased directly from school get a 30% commission if you use the code:  15819

Many thanks