Staying Safe Online
There's lots of great stuff on the internet, but there's also harmful material you might find accidently.
If you're worried about anything you have seen on the internet, or anything anybody has said to you online, talk to a parent or your teacher straight away - it could be really important.
Have a look at some of the websites below. They have lots of useful information to help you use the internet safely.
BBC Stay Safe Online Lots of games, activities and useful links to help you learn about how to use the internet safely.
CEOP Website Helpful advice for both children and parents about online safety. Also lets you report any inappropriate behaviour you have experienced on the internet.
Childnet International A great resource for finding help for both parents and children.
UK Safer Internet Centre An excellent one-stop-shop for both parents and children for help staying safe online.
Think You Know A brilliant resource for children of all ages, where you can find advice, play games and report any problems to an expert.
BBC Own It A website for 9 to 12 year olds giving lots of great advice for when you use digital devices.
NSPCC - It's My Childline Website for under 12s
Children's guide to staying safe online Useful advice for children on staying safe online